Hi All,
This post was written to serve as a repository for important links that may be of assistance to anyone. The idea is to have a library of articles on hand and on the internet for ease of access.
I was working on Azure SQL DB and got the task of running reindexing over several Azure SQL DB… I thought of why not automating it instead of running the script over the Azure SQL dbs one by one …
Hi All,
This post was written to serve as a repository for important links that may be of assistance to anyone. The idea is to have a library of articles on hand and on the internet for ease of access.
When you are a DBA, sometimes a problem which might seem so trivial from the error description may not really be so when you dig deeper. Recently we got alerted from our monitoring system that ‘XYZ’ database was missing a differential backup with error statement as “Cannot perform a differential backup for database “XYZ”, because … Read more