Código de error: 22903, texto: “Ya hay otra conexión ejecutando ‘sp_replcmds’ para la captura de datos modificados en la base de datos actual.”

Recientemente me enfrenté a un escenario muy interesante en el que para una base de datos se habilitaban tanto la captura de datos modificados como la replicación transaccional. Según la documentación de MS, ambas funciones pueden funcionar juntas, pero debemos tener algunas cosas en cuenta al implementar ambas funciones juntas en una base de datos. En … Read more

TSQL to get comprehensive SQL server backup report

Many times while trouble shooting backup issues on SQL server we have to check manually that when was the latest backup taken , where it was taken and for which all databases it happened . This requires a lot of manual clicks and script typing. To ease this , I have developed a script that … Read more

TSQL to get all logins’ permissions

We had a request from one customer where he wanted to have a visual representation of all the logins present in the SQL instance and the kind of server lever and database level permissions they have in one result set. I searched the net for solutions but could either find a script that gave either … Read more

T-SQL Script to list foreign key relationships

In this article, we will see T-SQL scripts to list foreign key relationships between tables. What is Referential dependency ? Referential dependency is a constraint between two tables in a relational database that ensures data consistency. To establish a referential dependency, you define a foreign key on a table that refers to the primary key … Read more

Install and Configure AWS CLI on Windows EC2 Machine

Here are step-by-step instructions: Installation of AWS CLI Validation of AWS CLI setup To check the version of the AWS CLI installed on your Windows machine, open a command prompt or PowerShell terminal and run the following command: aws –version This will display the version number of the AWS CLI installed on your machine, along … Read more

Snapshot getting applied repeatedly

Recently I was faced with an interesting issue where upon rerunning distributor agent, complete snapshot was being applied even though we had got “snapshot has been delivered successfully” message. The activity was about adding newly created tables into the replication. Below were high level steps followed for the activity. After step 5, once we got … Read more

Data Anonymization Techniques in SQL Server

Data anonymization is the process of removing or modifying identifiable information from a database so that it cannot be linked back to an individual. In SQL Server, there are several techniques you can use to achieve data anonymization.

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Data classification in SQL Server

Data classification in SQL Server is a way to organize and label data based on its sensitivity and the level of protection it requires. This labeling can be used to implement data security policies, access control rules, and compliance requirements for data protection regulations.

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SQL Server Logshipping Error: 14421, Severity: 16, State: 1.

If you’re running log shipping in Microsoft SQL Server, you may encounter the Error: 14421, Severity: 16, State: 1.

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SQL Server Mirroring Error 1418: The server network address “%.*ls” can not be reached or does not exist. Check the network address name and that the ports for the local and remote endpoints are operational.

If you’re using database mirroring in Microsoft SQL Server. Encountering Error 1418, which signifies that the Principal and mirror server are unable to communicate is quite common.

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