Accelerated Database Recovery in SQL Server

What is Accelerated Database Recovery SQL Server 2019 introduced Accelerated Database Recovery (ADR) as a new feature. ADR reduces the time it takes to recover a database from a crash or other failure. It accomplishes this by introducing a new recovery mechanism that greatly reduces the amount of time it takes to roll back transactions … Read more

Msg 262: SHOWPLAN permission denied in database ‘SSISDB’

Recently I got a interesting issue where I was getting error ‘SHOWPLAN permission denied in database ‘SSISDB” even though I was having SYSADMIN permissions on the SQL instance. This is in continuation of previous article I was trying to get estimated exeution plan for the stored procedure “internal.cleanup_server_retention_window” using the show estimated execution plan … Read more

Fixed: SQL Server Query Performance Issue

Troubleshooting SQL Server query slowness issue. Query optimization through parameterization. Fixing duplicate plan issue.

Guide to handle high CPU caused by deadlocks

We were working for a customer who was facing below issues on MS SQL Database server: Initial Approach: Issue Identification: Above things helped very little so we started further investigation of deadlocks and execution plans of high CPU queries. We identified below issues: 5. Winner query acquired key lock on entire non clustered index due … Read more

Handling SQL Server High CPU Issue

High CPU on a SQL Server could have various causes and we need to provide the resolution accordingly. One of our customer reported CPU being 100% for few hours and it was not going down even for few seconds. Majority of CPU workload was due to SQL processes only. This customer had never complained about … Read more

Ola hallengren Index maintenance – Optimal way to use it

This code will execute IndexOptimize stored procedure and will reorganize or rebuild indexes based on default fragmentation values ( i.e., 5 and 30% – rebuild). However, this will not update statistics as default set to null.

HIGH CPU usage due to RESOURCE MONITOR command

On one of SQL 2016 server HIGH CPU usage alert was received. It was constantly above 95% and SQL server was highest CPU consumer. As checked with sp_who2, Resource Monitor command running under system SPID was biggest CPU consumer and its CPU usage was not coming down.

SQL Server Performance Tuning : Ways to do Index Optimization

In our last post we discussed an approach on what we should do to find whether there is a memory issue or a way to identify if there is a memory crunch which is causing bad SQL performance. However, not always the thing we see on the surface is the root cause. Though there may … Read more

SQL Server performance tuning – how to look for memory issue

We in the first post saw how capturing and analyzing wait statistics can help a SQL DBA to look for potential performance issue. In the second post we looked at some of the example and potential scenario of wait stats which were similar to a production environment. In this post, we will see how we … Read more

Low PLE but high Buffer Cache Hit Ratio

Recently I worked on an interesting scenario where an incident was reported for very low PLE value. Very low PLE value indicates memory pressure on SQL server and should be fixed to ensure good SQL server performance. First lets check the definitions of PLE and BCHR as per Microsoft BOL: Page Life Expectancy: Indicates the … Read more