Data Anonymization Techniques in SQL Server

Data anonymization is the process of removing or modifying identifiable information from a database so that it cannot be linked back to an individual. In SQL Server, there are several techniques you can use to achieve data anonymization.


Masking is a technique that involves replacing sensitive data with a non-sensitive value. SQL Server provides built-in functions to perform data masking, such as the “SUBSTRING” or “REPLICATE” functions.

Example of how to perform data anonymization using masking.

Suppose you have a table called “Customers” that contains sensitive information such as “CustomerName” and “EmailAddress”. You want to mask this data to hide the original values. Here’s how you can do it using the T-SQL script:

-- Create a copy of the Customers table to store the masked data
INTO MaskedCustomers
FROM Customers

-- Mask the CustomerName column using the SUBSTRING function
UPDATE MaskedCustomers
SET CustomerName = 'XXXXX' + SUBSTRING(CustomerName, 6, LEN(CustomerName))

-- Mask the EmailAddress column using the REPLACE function
UPDATE MaskedCustomers
SET EmailAddress = REPLACE(LEFT(EmailAddress, CHARINDEX('@', EmailAddress) - 1), SUBSTRING(EmailAddress, 1, CHARINDEX('@', EmailAddress) - 1), 'xxxxx') + RIGHT(EmailAddress, LEN(EmailAddress) - CHARINDEX('@', EmailAddress))

-- Select the masked data to verify the results
SELECT * FROM MaskedCustomers

In the script above, we create a copy of the original “Customers” table called “MaskedCustomers”. We then use the “UPDATE” statement to mask the “CustomerName” and “EmailAddress” columns using the “SUBSTRING” and “REPLACE” functions, respectively. In the “CustomerName” column, we replace the first five characters with “XXXXX”. In the “EmailAddress” column, we replace the first part of the email address before the “@” symbol with “xxxxx”. Finally, we use the “SELECT” statement to view the masked data in the “MaskedCustomers” table.


Randomization involves replacing sensitive data with random or fictitious data. This can be achieved using SQL Server’s built-in functions like “RAND” or “NEWID”.

Example of data anonymization using randomization

Suppose you have a table called “Customers” that contains sensitive information such as “CustomerName” and “EmailAddress”. You want to randomize this data to hide the original values. Here’s how you can do it using the T-SQL script

-- Create a copy of the Customers table to store the randomized data
INTO RandomizedCustomers
FROM Customers

-- Randomize the CustomerName column using the NEWID() function
UPDATE RandomizedCustomers
SET CustomerName = CAST(NEWID() AS VARCHAR(36))

-- Randomize the EmailAddress column using the NEWID() function
UPDATE RandomizedCustomers
SET EmailAddress = CAST(NEWID() AS VARCHAR(36)) + ''

-- Select the randomized data to verify the results
SELECT * FROM RandomizedCustomers

In the script above, we create a copy of the original “Customers” table called “RandomizedCustomers”. We then use the “UPDATE” statement to randomize the “CustomerName” and “EmailAddress” columns using the “NEWID()” function, which generates a unique identifier. In the “CustomerName” and “EmailAddress” columns, we cast the unique identifier generated by the “NEWID()” function as a VARCHAR data type to replace the original values. Finally, we use the “SELECT” statement to view the randomized data in the “RandomizedCustomers” table.


Aggregation is a technique that involves grouping data together to hide individual values. SQL Server provides several aggregate functions, such as “SUM”, “AVG”, and “COUNT”, that can be used to achieve this.

Example of data anonymization using aggregation in SQL Server

Suppose you have a table called “Sales” that contains sensitive information such as “CustomerName” and “SalesAmount”. You want to anonymize this data to hide the original values. Here’s how you can do it using the T-SQL script.

-- Create a copy of the Sales table to store the aggregated data
INTO AggregatedSales
FROM Sales

-- Aggregate the SalesAmount column using the SUM() function
UPDATE AggregatedSales
SET SalesAmount = SUM(SalesAmount) OVER (PARTITION BY CustomerName)

-- Select the aggregated data to verify the results
SELECT DISTINCT CustomerName, SalesAmount FROM AggregatedSales

In the script above, we create a copy of the original “Sales” table called “AggregatedSales”. We then use the “UPDATE” statement to aggregate the “SalesAmount” column using the “SUM()” function and the “OVER” clause to perform a windowed sum by customer name. In the “SalesAmount” column, we replace the original sales amount with the total sales amount for that customer. Finally, we use the “SELECT” statement to view the aggregated data in the “AggregatedSales” table.


Generalization involves replacing specific data with more general information. For example, instead of storing the exact age of an individual, you could store their age group (e.g., 20-30, 30-40, etc.). SQL Server’s built-in functions like “CASE” and “WHEN” can be used to perform this type of data anonymization.

e, here’s an example of how to perform data anonymization using generalization in SQL Server using T-SQL scripts:

Suppose you have a table called “Customers” that contains sensitive information such as “CustomerName” and “Age”. You want to generalize this data to hide the original values. Here’s how you can do it using the T-SQL script.

-- Create a copy of the Customers table to store the generalized data
INTO GeneralizedCustomers
FROM Customers

-- Generalize the Age column by rounding it to the nearest 10
UPDATE GeneralizedCustomers
SET Age = (ROUND(Age/10.0, 0) * 10)

-- Select the generalized data to verify the results
SELECT DISTINCT Age FROM GeneralizedCustomers

In the script above, we create a copy of the original “Customers” table called “GeneralizedCustomers”. We then use the “UPDATE” statement to generalize the “Age” column by rounding it to the nearest 10 using the “ROUND()” function. In the “Age” column, we replace the original age with the rounded age. Finally, we use the “SELECT” statement to view the generalized data in the “GeneralizedCustomers” table.

It’s important to note that the level of anonymization required may depend on the sensitivity of the data and the regulatory requirements that apply to your organization. Additionally, it’s important to ensure that the anonymized data is still useful and relevant for analysis and reporting purposes.

In summary, data anonymization in SQL Server can be achieved using a variety of techniques such as masking, randomization, aggregation, and generalization. It’s important to carefully consider the level of anonymization required based on the sensitivity of the data and any regulatory requirements that apply.