Msg 262: SHOWPLAN permission denied in database ‘SSISDB’

Recently I got a interesting issue where I was getting error ‘SHOWPLAN permission denied in database ‘SSISDB” even though I was having SYSADMIN permissions on the SQL instance. This is in continuation of previous article I was trying to get estimated exeution plan for the stored procedure “internal.cleanup_server_retention_window” using the show estimated execution plan … Read more

Data Anonymization Techniques in SQL Server

Data anonymization is the process of removing or modifying identifiable information from a database so that it cannot be linked back to an individual. In SQL Server, there are several techniques you can use to achieve data anonymization.

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Data classification in SQL Server

Data classification in SQL Server is a way to organize and label data based on its sensitivity and the level of protection it requires. This labeling can be used to implement data security policies, access control rules, and compliance requirements for data protection regulations.

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SQL Server Logshipping Error: 14421, Severity: 16, State: 1.

If you’re running log shipping in Microsoft SQL Server, you may encounter the Error: 14421, Severity: 16, State: 1.

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SQL Server Mirroring Error 1418: The server network address “%.*ls” can not be reached or does not exist. Check the network address name and that the ports for the local and remote endpoints are operational.

If you’re using database mirroring in Microsoft SQL Server. Encountering Error 1418, which signifies that the Principal and mirror server are unable to communicate is quite common.

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Always On vs. Read Scale Availability Groups

In this article we will try to understand differences of SQL Server Always On Availability Groups vs. Read Scale Availability Groups. Designing HA/DR Solution and Customer’s Question: Recently, we were working on designing SQL Server HA/DR database solution for one of our customer. After considering customer’s requirement, we suggested a multi subnet three node Always … Read more

Failed to execute IS server package because of error 0x80131904

Recently I faced an issue where SQL agent jobs executing SSIS packages were failing with error: “Failed to execute IS server package because of error 0x80131904. Description: Execution Timeout Expired.  The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding.” As per above error message it is evident that … Read more

Find if backup is encrypted or not.

In this blog post we will demonstrate on steps to check if the backup file in sql server is encrypted or not.

Impact of domain change of servers in availability group

Recently I faced an issue where secondary replica was showing as disconnected in always on availability group.  Below troubleshooting was done to fix the issue. In summary, DBA should ensure to update endpoint URLs in availability group configuration if server’s domain is changed to avoid any issue. This does not require a downtime . Hope … Read more

SQL Server Error 229: The SELECT permission was denied on the object ‘databases’, database ‘mssqlsystemresource’, schema ‘sys’.

SQL Server error 229 occurs when users try to execute a SQL query. It may also occur while trying to connect to the database server. The error message displayed is “The SELECT permission was denied on the object.” The user account executing the query or stored procedure lacks the necessary permissions, causing the error. In this post, we will discuss the causes of this error, and the steps you can take to resolve it.

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