Always On vs. Read Scale Availability Groups

In this article we will try to understand differences of SQL Server Always On Availability Groups vs. Read Scale Availability Groups. Designing HA/DR Solution and Customer’s Question: Recently, we were working on designing SQL Server HA/DR database solution for one of our customer. After considering customer’s requirement, we suggested a multi subnet three node Always … Read more

Always On Secondary replica database in Synchronized/In Recovery mode

Recently while working on one alert, when I logged onto the server and connected SQL instance, noticed that on one of secondary replica in AlwaysOn availability group was having databases in “Synchronized/In Recovery” mode. This is not the usual status for secondary replica databases. Replica was configured in synchronous commit mode and databases were not … Read more

Avoid deadlock scheduler situation in AlwaysOn setup

Scenario Kindly consider below AlwaysOn setup between three servers. Server A — Primary ReplicaServer B — Secondary synchronous commit replicaServer C — Secondary asynchronous commit replicaEach server is having 8 logical CPUs thus having 576 max worker threads.SQL instance is having 150 user databases across 5 AGs with 30 databases in each AG. With above … Read more

CDC job fails: Invalid object name ‘msdb.dbo.cdc_jobs’. [SQLSTATE 42S02] (Error 208)

Issue: In an always on setup, CDC jobs should be created on all the replicas of always on availability group. Sometime you may find that CDC capture and cleanup job is running successful on some of replicas but failing on other replicas with below error: Error message:Executed as user: Domain\user. Invalid object name ‘msdb.dbo.cdc_jobs’. [SQLSTATE … Read more

SQL Server Always On with Log-Shipping (Configuration and Considerations)

Scenario: Consider we have a primary data center where we want to configure HA solution using Always On availability group and want to configure log shipping to DR site as a DR solution. In this post we will discuss on how to configure log shipping for a database involved in AG and some limitations and … Read more

Commvault SQL database backups not running after databases configuration in AlwaysOn groups

Issue: Recently I encountered a issue where Commvault backups for SQL databases were not happening for several days post database configuration in AlwaysOn availability groups. Scenario: In many organizations, there is a separate backup team to take all types of backups including database backups. During initial configuration there were no databases configured in availability groups and database … Read more